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Lawsons Auctioneers hold multiple auctions every week. We employ a number of specialists to accurately value and catalogue your treasured possessions to ensure you get maximum exposure. Our valuers will not only provide an auction estimate for your items, but also provide you with our fee structure in its entirety. This ensures that you are able to make an informed decision about consigning at auction. Click below and Request an Appraisal.

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How Things Work

Jeweler examining diamond ring with magnifying glass at white table, closeup


By submitting an appraisal request, you connect with the experts and department overseeing the auction of your goods. They can offer insights into how we assess, promote, and sell items on your behalf. Furthermore, they provide all the necessary information for you to make an informed decision about selling at auction.

Two men selling a piece of furniture out of a store.


Lawsons welcomes consignments every Monday and Tuesday from 8:00am to 4:30pm. After receiving an appraisal and confirming the acceptance of your items, you or your designated representative/business can effortlessly deliver the items to our premises, accompanied by your client number. Our staff will handle all further proceedings with utmost care.

Submit an Item
Business person on laptop and mobile phone.


Upon the publication of your catalogue online, a presale notification is distributed to all vendors, featuring a link to the sale catalogue. This enables you to monitor the status and progress of your item/s. Additionally, we consistently engage with our subscribers through email, social media, and search engine results to enhance the visibility of your items.

A range of antique items including a Louis Vuitton bag, furniture and home content items.

Why Sell with Lawsons

Selling at auction is a great way to ensure that you receive a fair market value for your items.

  • Auctions are a competitive environment ensuring you achieve the best price possible.
  • As a commission-based business, Lawsons is committed to ensuring all items are marketed effectively to the general public.
  • Having a worldwide reach means you’re not confined to local buyers alone. We promote our auctions across different states and internationally, ensuring unparalleled exposure for your items.

Valuation Form

    Select a Category*

    Please photograph the item with your mobile phone or upload existing photos. Please provide photos of the front and back of the item and any signatures or marks.

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    Lawsons employs multiple specialists and we aim to respond within 5 business days. If you do not receive a response within this timeframe, please email us at [email protected]

    Lawsons operate on a consignment basis rather than purchasing items. This means that the items in our auctions are still owned by the seller until they are sold. That way, if an item exceeds our expectation, the seller benefits.

    At Lawsons, we pride ourselves on being the auction house with the fastest payment processing. Sellers receive their payments within 10 business days after an auction concludes.

    Our office is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday. Please note that we are not open on weekends or public holidays.


    Auction Appraisals

    Our specialists draw on their wealth of knowledge, experience and our 140 years of results in the auction industry to classify and value items that are sold through our auctions.

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    Formal Valuations

    Lawsons are accredited to provide formal valuations for legal, insurance and probate purposes. We can assist with guiding you through the process to meet your requirements.

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    Home Contents Auctions & Single Owner Collections

    If you are downsizing, dealing with an estate matter or simply want to begin decorating your home anew, Lawsons can assist you with emptying your property so it’s ready to sell, rent out or redecorate.

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    Getting Them Here

    Lawsons recommends a number of removal and freight services with whom we have regular dealings.

    Recommended Carriers

    If you already have someone in mind, you are more than welcome to use them as well.

    Sale Terms

    Our sale terms are department specific, but our specialists will provide you with all of the information you need along with your appraisal to ensure you make an informed decision about consigning at auction. Our general Terms and Conditions can be found here.


    Result Notification

    Lawsons Auctioneers have a commitment to pay our vendors out within 10 business days of the close of each sale. An accompanying statement is sent to each vendor detailing their sales results and noting the amount paid.


    Payment is made to your supplied bank account details accompanied by a settlement statement emailed to your supplied email address.

    Modern home interior with flowers, lamps and a mirror.

    Request a Valuation

    Our valuation form is designed to put you in touch with the relevant Lawsons specialist to give you advice about selling your items.

    Get Started